Discover how Sydney’s affluent integrate beauty clinics and skincare into their lifestyle, and how AORE has become a staple in their quest for flawless beauty.

In the bustling heart of Sydney's Double Bay, where luxury meets lifestyle, skincare isn't just a routine—it's a cherished ritual woven seamlessly into the daily lives of the city's affluent residents. From morning yoga sessions to afternoon business meetings, these discerning individuals prioritise self-care with visits to some of the country’s finest skincare clinics.

In this exclusive insight into their world, we delve into how Sydney's elite integrate these clinics into their coveted routines. Through candid quotes from four women who wish to remain anonymous, we uncover their personal motivations, trusted practices, and the role AORE plays in their beauty regimens. Discover firsthand the allure of Double Bay and the transformative power of tailored skincare experiences for those who seek nothing but the best.

Emma, 27

Interviewer: "Could you walk us through what a typical day in your life looks like, and how skincare fits into your routine?"

Emma: “Hmmm… I’d say a typical day for me starts with a glass of lemon water in bed, then skincare. I like using products that are professional-approved and scientific, because I know they’ll deliver better results. Especially those recommended by my dermatologist. I then go to a nearby café and have a turmeric latte or an acai bowl I’m feeling particularly hungry. Then work from home on my small business for a few hours, have lunch with my friends — by then my husband’s back from work, so we’ll do some fun activities, like sailing. Then dinner, skincare, and sleep.”

“I like using products that are professional-approved and scientific, because I know they’ll deliver better results.”

Interviewer: Have you heard of Aore?

Emma: Aore? Yes! Learned about it through my derm. I actually have their propolis glow-enhancing capsules, and I’ve been loving them so far. They’ve become my little secret for radiant skin.

Tanya, 32

Interviewer: "Could you tell us what you do for a living? And how does that affect your skincare routine?"

Tanya: “I’m a mother, philanthropist, and also happen to run a fairly successful fashion podcast. The way that this affects my skincare… I mean… I like to say I have 6 other jobs besides what I usually do, and those are my three children, my husband, our dog Jellybean, and myself (laughter). Being a mum and an entrepreneur definitively can take a toll on the health of your skin, especially because of stress and a lack of sleep, which is when the skin renews itself. It actually led me to experience premature ageing, which just made things even more stressful!”

“Being a mum and an entrepreneur definitively can take a toll on the health of your skin”

Interviewer: "Have you heard of the brand Aore?"

Tanya: “Yes, I have, but I haven’t tried any of their products yet. Are they good?”

Interviewer: "They are absolutely amazing. I know I may sound a bit biased, but I genuinely love them, and I think they have got just the thing you might be looking for. It’s these little anti-ageing serum capsules with caviar. Here, let me give you one.”

Tanya: “Wow, it feels so silky, I love it! Can I have a couple more capsules?”

Interviewer: “You can have the whole container. Here you go.”

Tanya: “Oh my, that’s too kind! Thank you so much!”

Madison, 25

Interviewer: "Can I just say, your skin looks flawless! Could you give us a detailed breakdown of your skincare routine?"

Madison: “Yeah, sure, although to be honest, I have to admit that the reason it looks this good is because of my mum — she’s a spa aesthetician at a five-star hotel. She knows all the good brands.

Interviewer: “Which brands?”

Madison: “L.. P…...., A…... . B…..., and Aore.”

Interviewer: “No way!! I actually work for Aore!”

Madison: “Woah! That’s so cool! I’ve actually been using the Day Rejuvenation line for a long time now and I’m not planning on stopping anytime soon! I use their cleanser, toner, essence, emulsion, and eye cream, and when I run out, I just ask my mum to buy me some more from the spa! My mother says so much of anti-ageing is preventative care, and so the sooner you start, the better. So, start in your early 20s, for sure.”

“I’ve actually been using the Day Rejuvenation line for a while now and I’m not planning on stopping anytime soon!”

Poppy, 39

Interviewer: “Sorry, this one might be a slightly invasive question, but may I ask whether you’ve ever had any cosmetic surgery or injectable treatments? And can you tell us a little bit about your experience and how skincare fits into it? You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.”

Poppy: “This is anonymous... Yes?”

Interviewer: “Yes. You will be anonymously on our educational blog.”

Poppy: “Well, in that case, I don’t see why not. I believe that knowledge is power, and sharing our experiences can be empowering for other women.”

Interviewer: “Totally.”

Poppy: “Okay, so I have had some injectable treatments, specifically Botox — mainly chin, forehead, smile lines, and crow’s feet — as well as fillers — for my lips and for all-over volume loss. I’ve also had a face and neck lift. I’ve been very pleased with the results. I think doing this has certainly helped me feel more confident.”

Interviewer: “Do you believe in skincare or are you a surgical beauty devotee?”

Poppy: “See, I think this is the wrong way to look at this. I think both things are very much interconnected and just because people have cosmetic enhancements doesn’t mean they should skimp on skincare. For example, right after I had my face lift surgery, my dermatologist recommended I use a gentle cleanser to avoid irritation and ensure that my skin remained clean without being too harsh. He also made me use a rich and hydrating moisturiser to keep my skin well-nourished and to promote healing. Additionally, I he gave me medical-grade scar cream to help reduce any scarring and enhance the overall healing of my incisions. And SPF, because UV damage could hinder the healing process and cause pigmentation issues. I could go on forever!! Basically, skincare is quintessential if you want a quick and smooth recovery with the best results possible. And to maintain your results.”

“He also made me use a rich and hydrating moisturiser to keep my skin well-nourished and to promote healing.”

Interviewer: “Well said! As a thank you for your time, I would like to give you this Intense Moisturising Overnight Mask from Aore.”

Poppy: “What a treat! Thank you so much!”